most common acne myths

Although you were told about acne that… here you will find the absolute truth about acne! what causes acne? myths? and more. GIGI has been treating acne for many years, and now our vast knowledge and experience is brought to you here! Does acne bother you? Here you will find all the answers


Acne is caused by bacterial infection

Myth, our skin contains about 90 billion types of germs that help protect our skin and body. The amount of bacteria present on a skin surface with or without acne is equal. The major cause of acne is hormonal imbalance.


Acne is an outcome of oily skin

Myth,high amount of sebum doesn’t always cause acne, some people can have oily skin that is not acne-prone. The sebum actually helps protect the skin from infections.


Diet doesn't affect acne breakouts

Myth, studies have shown a clear link between high sugar and dairy consumption to acne. When we consume sugar-rich foods or many dairy products, it causes an increase in the amount of saturated fats in our body. Saturated fats serve as a growth platform for bacteria in general and P. acnes bacteria in particular.


Hormones affect acne

Fact, Hormones affect acne- Fact, in most people, after their teen years, testosterone levels remain balanced. Although, some people may have a problem with the enzymes that break-down estrogen, causing an increase of the counter-acting hormone, testosterone. As known, increased levels of testosterone are the reason for adult acne, with blemishes appearing in the lower jaw region, neck and body.


Use abrasive acne soaps & products

Possible but not must, people that suffer from acne can develop susceptibility to harsh active ingredients that can cause redness and irritation of the skin.


Physical activity can decrease acne

Physical activity can decrease acne- Partially true, it hasn’t been scientifically proven, however, physical activity is found to relieve stress. Stress has been linked to acne breakouts, so in an indirect way, being active can help avoid acne.


Acne is genetic

Fact, genetics plays a big part in the development of acne. Usually, enlarge or entangled sebaceous glands, produce a high amount of sebum that along with dead skin cells clogs pores and induces acne formation.


Acne is contagious

Myth, acne is not contagious and cannot spread from person to person. Whilst acne bacteria play a significant role in its development, it cannot be transmitted as most bacterial infections. It is, however, a good idea to not share towels or pillows with someone else for general hygiene reasons.


Don’t squeeze spots

Partially true, the skins ability to heal is different for each of us. Some may form acne scars and others can develop dark spots. It is important to let only a professional cosmetician tent to your skin.


Avoid makeup

Myth, there is no need to avoid makeup if you have acne. Many people choose to conceal their spots as it provides self-confidence. It is important to choose the right products for oily, blemish prone skin, and most importantly remove it before going to bed.